In recent years, the sea lions have appeared in unexpected –and sometimes populated– places, including a golf course and a forest. Now, a new study could help New Zealanders live with their neighbors and protect them in the future by predicting where the animals could appear. The research, published in en academic joumal, integrales algorithm-based modele with data from wildlife experts for a better forecast. 
    ‘It just gives us a lot of more Information to better arm ourselves for managing the growth of the population’ said Laura Boren, a science adviser for the New Zealand Department oí Conservation. “So that people can really stars welcoming back sea Ilons and not be afraid of bumping into them, because they ere really cool animals,” Boren said. 
    Sea Ilons are “generally quite confident around people,’ according to her. ‘They may completely ignore you if they are resting but may chale people and dogs that approach too closely. Boren said that people, stumbling upon sea lions In the bush’, could find them intimidating, particularly as adult females can weigh more than 400 pounds and intent on defending their pups. By contrast, younger animals can be “just really cheeky and they’ll like lo play gamas,’ she added. 
    The sea lions bred long ego along the coast of New Zealand, until hunting drove them away. A rare sea lion species threatened with extinction –some 10,000 remain, facing risks from fisheries and desease– they had moved deep finto the New Zealand Subantarctic Islands to the south to bread instead. 
    Pannett. R. y Francis, E. (2021, November 11). *Cheeky sea lions are reluming to New Zealand’s shores –and locals are leaming to share the coast. 
By the context, the word APPROACH means to 
A) greet. 
B) come near. 
C) offer. 
D) detain. 
E) go far. 
En el texto el autor hace uso de la palabra APPROACH para expresar la idea de los seres que están alrededor de los leones marinos y que al acercarse existe un posible riesgo que el animal los persiga. 
Rpta. : "B"
How is science helping to establish a good coexistence between sea lions and New Zealander? 
A) According to the journal, sea lions prefer to stay close to the beach to rest. 
B) Algorithms try to seek to adequate people’s behavior around sea lions. 
C) New Zealander are being taught how to treat and to help to sea lions.
D) Scientists want to send 10,000 sea lions to the Subantarctic Islands. 
E) It is possible to predict which parts of the coastline sea lions will use. 
En el texto se expresa la idea que la ciencia ha podido desarrollar una serie de algoritmos que le permitirían al hombre predecir dónde y en qué momentos podrían aparecer los leones marinos, de este modo adecuando el comportamiento de las personas para que respeten el espacio vital de esta especie.
Rpta. : "B"
Which of the following sentences summarizes the main idea of the text? 
A) While the pups are very curious, one should not play with them for risk of being pushed or attacked by an older sea lion. 
B) Sea lions are appearing in new places deep in the mainland, such as forests and golf courses in New Zealand. 
C) New Zealand’s Department of Conservation is looking for different ways to keep sea lions away from urban areas. 
D) The presence of sea lions is relatively new to New Zealanders as hunting has kept them away from the coast for many years. 
E) It’s necessary to take several and ingenious measures to grant opportunities for sea lions to breed along the coast of New Zealand. 
En la pregunta se pide escoger la idea principal y la opción “B” encierra acertadamente un resumen de lo que está informando el texto. En el primer párrafo explica claramente que los leones marinos han aparecido en lugares públicos. 
Rpta. : "B"
According to the text, which of the following sentences is false? 
A) The interaction between sea lions and humans depends on their age and mood. 
B) Sea lions are temperamental and may protect their pups if one gets too close to them. 
C) Sea lions have never inhabited the coasts of New Zealand: their presence is due to climate change. 
D) The article mentioned in the text does gather statistical information and testimonies from rangers. 
E) There are about 10,000 sea lions breeding along the coast of New Zealand and its islands. 
En el texto se afirma que el león marino está regresando a la costa de Nueva Zelanda, pese a que en otras épocas este fue cazado, causa de su huida, pero que el día de hoy ha decidido su retorno. 
Rpta. : "C"
It can be inferred from the text that 
A) animal migration is unpredictable even in urban areas and can change suddenly. 
B) animals can return to spaces they considered dangerous if they feel they are now safe. 
C) people and sea lions should not share the same area as the latter are wild animals. 
D) there is no recent research that seeks to explain the free movement of sea lions. 
E) Laura Boren is the actual chief of the New Zealand Department of Conservation. Habilidad Lógico-Matemática 
En el texto al final del fragmento nos relata que pese a ser cazado en otras épocas, este ha decidido volver, pese que este lugar les represento un peligro, el día de hoy en un estado de aparente calma, se siente seguro y ha decidido volver.
Rpta. : "B"
    Monkeypox is a viral infection typically found in central and western Africa. Cases, usually small clusters or isolated infections, are sometimes diagnosed in other countries, including the UK where the first case was recorded in 2018 in an individual thought to have contracted the virus in Nigeria. 
    There are two forms of monkeypox, a milder west African strain and a more severe central African, or Congo strain. The current international outbreak appears to involve the west African strain, although not all countries have released such information. According to the UK Health Security Agency (HSA), early symptoms of monkeypox include fever, headache, muscle aches, swollen lymph nodes and chills, as well as other features such as exhaustion. "A rash can develop, often beginning on the face, then spreading to other parts of the body, including the genitals," the UK-HSA says. "The rash changes and goes through different stages, and can look like chickenpox or syphilis, before finally forming a scab, which later falls off.“ 
    Most patients recover from monkeypox in a few weeks. Monkeypox does not spread easily between humans and requires close contact. According to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is thought that human-to-human transmission primarily occurs through large respiratory droplets. "Respiratory droplets generally cannot travel more than a few feet, so prolonged face-to-face contact is required." the CDC says. "Other human-to-human methods of transmission include direct contact with body fluids or lesion material, and indirect contact with lesion material, such as through contaminated clothing or linens.“ 
Davis, Nicola (2022, 23 July). What is monkeypox and how worried should we be? The Guardian
From the context of the text, the word DEVELOP means 
A) process. 
B) work. 
C) elaborate. 
D) come. 
E) expand. 
La única opción de acuerdo al contexto que puede tener la palabra DEVELOP es EXPANDIRSE ya que se está hablando de la enfermedad de la Viruela del Mono y de qué manera se propaga. 
Rpta. : "E"
Which of the following sentences summarizes the main idea of the passage? 
A) Monkeypox is a virus of African origin that requires direct physical contact to be transmitted. 
B) Monkeypox is a virus that has existed in the African continent for many decades. 
C) The current outbreak of monkeypox is the result of trade between Africa and Europe. 
D) It is not known what symptoms monkeypox can produce in people from other continents. 
E) Monkeypox has been shown to be as contagious as Covid-19, although less severe. 
De la lectura general del texto se observa que éste contiene una visión en conjunto del virus de la viruela símica (Monkeypox): origen, distribución geográfica, síntomas, transmisión, etc., concluyéndose que se trata de un virus de origen africano que requiere contacto físico para ser transmitido. 
Rpta. : "A"
It can be inferred from US Center for Disease Control and Prevention that 
A) this virus can travel several meters and that increases its chances of contagion. 
B) contact with lesions of this virus is not as contagious as respiratory droplets. 
C) transmission among humans is favored through considerable respiratory droplets. 
D) it is unclear how long it takes to completely recover from this contagious illness. 
E) it only takes an instant for the virus to jump to a new host in human transmission. 
Del texto se puede inferir que la transmisión de este virus se produce por la exposición constante de una persona a otra mediante pequeñas partículas salivales o de otras secreciones.
Rpta. : "C"
From the passage it can be properly inferred that 
A) the text offers a catastrophic scenario with the scope of this new global virus. 
B) the text reveals that there is no concrete information on the behavior of this virus. 
C) these virus symptoms compromise the respiratory system, as did Covid-19. 
D) the text provides an overview of the disease to understand how it behaves. 
E) this virus is very similar to Covid-19, as it presents very similar symptoms. 
Se infiere que nos brinda una visión general de la enfermedad para entender cómo se comporta el virus, en adición a ello nos permite tener conocimiento de los síntomas que causa la viruela del mono. 
Rpta. : "D"
According to the text, which of the following sentences is false. 
A) Monkeypox can be cured in a couple of weeks in the case of humans. 
B) The global outbreak of monkeypox that is spreading is the Congo variant. 
C) It is a type of smallpox that cannot spread easily from person to person. 
D) Nowadays, transmission is considered to be via the respiratory route. 
E) A rash usually develops when one is infected with monkeypox. 
En el segundo párrafo del texto se mencionan 2 variantes del virus de la viruela símica, una variante más leve en el área occidental africana, y una centro africana más severa (o variante del Congo), mencionándose textualmente que el actual brote internacional pareciera involucrar la variante africana occidental. 
Rpta. : "B"
    How many young people know how to cook? Well, there aren’t many, according to a survey in the UK 49% of 18-24 years old don’t know how many minutes it takes to boil an egg! But is this change in cooking habits a problem? 
    Jean-Michel Cohen, a French doctor, thinks we have quite a lot of health problems today because not many people cook enough. He says that when we buy ready-made meals, takeaway food, we don’t really think about what we are eating. This means we often eat a lot of food − more than we need. But when we buy the ingredients, e.g. vegetables, meat, fish and then fry, bake or boil them, we think more carefully about what we’re eating. And when we think about the ingredients, we usually eat healthy meals and we eat well. 
    So perhaps the answer to some of the health problem is not ‘eat less’− it’s ‘cook more’! 
Hughes, J. and Woook, K. (2015) Navigate Coursebook A2 Elementary. Oxford University Press.
The author suggests that 
A) people should eat more takeaway food. 
B) people need to be warned of what they eat. 
C) people should prepare their own food. 
D) parents should teach their children to cook. 
E) some takeaway meals must be prohibited. 
El autor recomienda preparar sus propios alimentos en casa para así evitar comprar fuera de ella, ya que ello conlleva a malos hábitos alimenticios y posibles problemas de salud.
Rpta. : "C"
The passage implies that 
A) people aren’t very careful when they decide to cook. 
B) buying fresh ingredients makes food healthier to eat. 
C) British people should’t fry but cook their meals. 
D) takeaway food is easy to get at any restaurant. 
E) takeaway food is a reason for people to gain weight. 
The passage implies that (El pasaje implica que) takeaway food is a reason for people to gain weight (la comida para llevar es una razón para que las personas aumenten de peso). En el texto se menciona lo siguiente: He says that when we buy ready-made meals, takeaway food, we don’t really think about what we are eating. This means we often eat a lot of food – more than we need (Él dice que cuando compramos comidas preparadas, comida para llevar, realmente no pensamos en lo que estamos comiendo. Esto significa que a menudo comemos mucha comida, más de lo que necesitamos). 
Rpta. : "B"
The term TAKEAWAY best refers to food 
A) you eat at the restaurant. 
B) you buy for your parents. 
C) you don’t need to buy. 
D) which makes people fat. 
E) you take to eat at home. 
significa llevar comida preparada de algún restaurante y/o establecimiento para comerla en casa.
Rpta. : "E"
Which of the following statements corresponds to the problem described in the text? 
A) British people usually eat a lot of takeaway food. 
B) Cooking habits in Great Britain are very varied. 
C) People often eat more than they need to live. 
D) Many British young people don’t know how to cook. 
E) Cooking habits can be dangerous for people. 
Which of the following statements corresponds to the problem described in the text? (¿Cuál de las siguientes afirmaciones corresponde al problema descrito en el texto?) 
People often eat more than they need to live. (Las personas a menudo comen más de lo que necesitan para vivir) 
En el texto se menciona: This means we often eat a lot of food – more than we need. (Esto significa que a menudo comemos mucha comida, más de lo que necesitamos). El término 
Rpta. : "D"
Which of the following ideas is not stated in the text? 
A) Dr. Cohen thinks takeaway food is very healthy. 
B) Many young people don’t know how to cook. 
C) Nowadays, people do not cook too much. 
D) Often we aren’t aware of what we are eating. 
E) When we cook, we’re more aware of what we eat. 
En el texto no se menciona que el Dr. Cohen afirme que la comida que compremos para comer en casa de los diferentes establecimientos, sea muy saludable.
Rpta. : "A"

Ejercicios resueltos de examen de admisión a la Universidad