The best way to learn something is to make mistakes first. Thomas Edison, who invented the light bulb, told his co- lleagues: «Of the 200 light bulbs that didn’t work, ever failure told me something i was able to incorporate into the next». Ben- jamin Franklin, the US statesman and scientist once said: «I haven’t failed, i have 10 000 ideas that didn’t work». 
    Both these people understood that failures and false starts are the condition of success. In fact, a surprising number of everyday objects had their beginnings in a mistake or a misunderstanding. Post-it notes, packets of crisps and even bread are all unexpected inventions. In 2600 B.C., a tired Egyptian slave invented bread when the dough rose during his sleep. And crisps were first cooked by a chef in the US when a customer complained that his potatoes were not thin enough. 
    Successful business people have often made big, expensive mistakes ib their past. When an employee of IBM made a mistake that cost the company $ 600 000. Thomas Watson, the chairman, was asked ift he would fire the man. «Of course not» he replied. «I have just spent $ 600 000 training him. I’m not going to let another company benefit from his experiencie». 
Adapted from Clare, A. and Wilson, J. (2006). Total English Intermediate. Students’ Book. Pearson Education Limited.
Which of the following is nota stated in the text? 
A) Only geniuses never make mistakes. 
B) Failures are part of the process to succeed. 
C) Many inventions resulted from mistakes. 
D) Mistakes contribute to getting experiencie. 
E) Successful people have made mistakes before. 
De acuerdo al texto, los errores cometidos por inventores reconocidos han dado lugar a grandes descubrimientos, incluida la bombilla, por lo que la única declaración que no guarda relación con el texto es la que indica que solo los genios nunca cometen errores. 
Rpta. : "A"
SUCCESS is clase in meaning to 
A) dangerous event. 
B) unexpectec event. 
C) difficult results. 
D) satisfactory outcome. 
E) unpredicted result. 
La palabra SUCCESS hace referencia a cumplir con un objetivo propuesto. Dentro de las alternativas, la definición más cercana es: SATISFACTORY OUTCOME, cuyo concepto es obtener un resultado con el que estamos satisfechos. 
Rpta. : "D"
Which of the followign statements would the author agree with? 
A) Mistakes should always be avoided. 
B) Failures are part of human experience. 
C) Teachers must punish students’ mistakes. 
D) Error are irrelevant for learning experience. 
E) Only inexpert people often make mistakes.
En el texto, el autor señala diversos ejemplos, algunos célebres, de las formas en cómo el hombre ha fallado en sus intentos previos antes de alcanzar la gloria o el éxito. Por lo que la única declaración concordante con ello es la que señala que las fallas o errores son parte natural de la experiencia humana.
Rpta. : "B"
What is the main idea of the text 
A) Mistakes make the learning process more difficult. 
B) Scientists do not like the idea of making mistakes. 
C) Mistakes are important for the learning process. 
D) Companies lose lots of money because of mistakes. 
E) To make mistakes is an unnatural human sign. 
Del texto podemos inferir que en el proceso de aprendizaje se cometen errores que son importantes para poder mejorar y tener éxito en lo que hacemos. 
Rpta. : "C"
It can be inferred from the text that 
A) all mistakes are necessary for inventing new and useful things. 
B) successful people make mistakes every day of their lives. 
C) humans are not perfect, and we can always make mistakes. 
D) the more mistakes you make the more success you will achieve. 
E) both Edison ande Franklin made just a few litte mistakes. 
El ser humano es limitado por naturaleza, lo que implica que es normal que a veces nos equivoquemos. Por lo tanto, el dilema no es fallar o no fallar, porque siempre cometeremos errores, sino cómo reaccionaríamos ante los fallos que se nos presentan. 
Rpta. : "C"
    Scientists found women from the Faroe lslands, a small north Atlantic archipelago, had unusually high concentrations of toxic industrial chemicals –mostly polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)– that are no longer in use in their breast milk. The surprising discovery led to the question: how did this happen? 
    The chemicals were coming from the ocean or, more specifically, from the pilot whales that make up an important part of the islanders’ diet. PCBs can travel huge distances around the planet through air and water, affecting communities far away from the source of contamination. The climate crisis worsens the situation, speeding up the movement of chemicals around the planet. As temperatures rise, dangerous chemicals will evaporate even more easily into the atmosphere. 
    While legislation is slow, stronqer preventive measures are needed to make sure chemicals in use today will not become the contaminants of the future. 
    Turns, A. (Febrero de 2022). How ‘forever chemicals’ are using marine life to travel the world by sea. The Guardian. 
Which of these words can be used to replace the term speeding up? 
A) Producing 
B) Creating 
C) Generating 
D) Increasing 
E) Exciting 
Speeding up se define como ‘acelerar o aumentar con rapidez cualquier acción’ según el diccionario Cambridge de definiciones. 
Rpta. : "D"
Chemicals in use today could become long-term pollutants if 
A) global temperature levels continue to increase. 
B) ocean pollution remains an international problem. 
C) scientists don’t include minorities in their research. 
D) researchers don’t get money for their investigations. 
E) there is no regulation for their use and disposal. 
El último párrafo hace mención a la lenta acción de la ley frente a la problemática medioambiental, por lo que esta alternativa se refiere a la no regulación del uso y desecho de estos químicos en dicha área en la actualidad.
Rpta. : "E"
Considering the information from the text, what can you infer about the islanders’ habits? 
A) Their carbon footprint places them amongst the highest pollutants in the world. 
B) The majority of them are scientists whose research centers around their own customs. 
C) The women of the Faroe Islands are all suffering from a variety of genetic disorders.  
D) The concentration of PCBs comes usually from the visitors to the Faroe Islands.
E) They have traditional fishing customs, including the pursuit of large marine mammals.
Se infiere a partir del texto que las mujeres de las Islas Faroe se han visto afectadas por el químico PCBs debido al consumo de ciertas especies marinas como por ejemplo las ballenas piloto.
Rpta. : "E"
How would you summarize the text? 
A) There is a severe health crisis in the Faroe Islands that could have negative effects on future generations.
B) Toxic chemicals are spreading faster and further from their places of origin through the ocean. 
C) Current legislation regarding chemical waste is inefficient, there needs to be stronger regulations. 
D) The climate crisis is causing the rise of temperatures and ocean levels, which is affecting islanders’ lives. 
E) Most of the women of the Faroe Islands have chemical toxic concentration in their breast milk. 
How would you summarize the text? (¿Cómo resumirías el texto?) Most of the women of the Faroe Islands have chemical toxic concentration in their breast milk (La mayoría de las mujeres de las Islas Feroe tienen concentraciones químicas tóxicas en la leche maternal). En el texto se menciona: Scientists found women from the Faroe Islands a small north Atlantic archipelago, had unusually high concentration of toxic industrial chemicals – mostly polychiorinated biphenyls (PCBs) – tha are no longer use in their breast milk. The surprising discovery led to the question how did it happen? (Los científicos descubrieron que las mujeres de las Islas Feroe, un pequeño archipiélago del Atlántico norte, tenían una concentración inusualmente alta de productos químicos industriales tóxicos, en su mayoría bifenilos policlorados (PCB), que ya no se usan en la leche materna. El sorprendente descubrimiento llevó a la pregunta ¿cómo sucedió?). 
Rpta. : "E"
The effects of climate change like rising sea levels and increasing temperatures make PCBs in the ocean 
A) biodegrade in a speedy progression. 
B) travel to various geographical locations. 
C) evaporate quickly into the atmosphere. 
D) adhere to sea creatures’ source of food. 
E) facilitate the increase of new species. 
El cambio climático y calentamiento global están incrementando a mayor velocidad la proliferación del químico PCBs, evaporándolo a la atmósfera. 
Rpta. : "C"

Ejercicios resueltos de examen de admisión a la Universidad