I live in a house near the mountains. I have two brothers and one sister. My brothers are very smart and work hard in school. My sister is a nervous girl, but she is very kind. 
    My grandmother also lives with us. She came from Italy when I was two years old. She has grown old, but she is still very strong. She cooks the best food! My family is very important to me. We do lots of things together. I love my family very much. 
My sister is kind, but also _______ 
A) quiet 
B) strong 
C) nervous 
D) anxious 
E) mean 
My sister is kind, but also (Mi hermana es amable, pero también) nervous (nerviosa). En el texto se menciona: My sister is a nervous girl, but she is very kind (Mi hermana es una chica nerviosa, pero es muy amable). 
Rpta. : "C"
How old was I when my grandmother came? 
A) Three years old 
B) Grown old 
C) Ten years old 
D) Just born 
E) Two years old 
How old was I when my grandmother came? 
(¿Cuántos años tenía cuando vino mi abuela?) Two years old (Dos años de edad). 
En el texto se menciona: My grandmother also lives with us. She came from Italy when I was two years old. (Mi abuela también vive con nosotros. Ella vino de Italia cuando yo tenía dos años). 
Rpta. : "E"
    The era when Queen Elizabeth of England reigned (1558-1603) was a vital one of great accomplishments in literature, poetry, drama, architecture, exploration, commerce, and many other areas. Elizabethan is used as an adjective to describe both the Elizabeth spirit – adventurous, vivid, eloquent, artistically brilliant, and generous, among numerous admirable qualities– and its counterparts today. 
    Shakespeare, Edmund Spenser, Francis Bacon, Francis Drake, and Walter Raleigh were only a few of the giant figures produced in the 45-year period that Elizabeth ruled. Though “Good Queen Bess was certainly vain, capricious, and jealous –for example, she had put to death her cousin Mary Queen of Scots and their favorite, the earl of Essex– her personal courage and sense of responsibility made the last of the Tudors one of England’s greatest rulers and probably the greatest queen in history. The only daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn, who was beheaded for alleped aduliery, Elizabeth was an ¡ntelligent, well-educated woman whose court became the center o England s cultural life as it had never been before and has never been since. “There will never be a queen”, she once told Parliament, “sit in my seat with more zeal to my country and care to my subjects. And though you have had and may have princes more mighty and wise sitting in this seat, yet you never had of shall have any that will be more careful and loving”. 
Hendrickson. The Facts on File Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins. 
The author primary purpose in this passage is to present 
A) figures during Elizabethan period. 
B) Queen Elizabeth’s special temper. 
C) Queen Elizabeth’s great Empire. 
D) life and reign of Queen Elizabeth. 
E) Queen Elizabeth’s mayor conflicts. 
The author primary purpose in this passage is to present (‘El propósito principal del autor en este pasaje es presentar’) Queen Elizabeth’s special temper (‘el temperamento especial de la reina Isabel’). En el texto se menciona: Elizabethan is used as an adjective to describe both the Elizabeth spirit-adventurous, vivid, eloquent, artistically brilliant, and generous, among numerous admirable qualities (‘Isabelino se utiliza como adjetivo para describir tanto el espíritu de Isabel, aventurera, vívida, elocuente, artísticamente brillante y generosa, entre numerosas cualidades admirables’). Though “Good Queen Bess” was certainty vain, capricious, and jealous (Aunque la “Buena Reina Bess” era sin duda vanidosa, caprichosa y celosa). 
Rpta. : "B"
In the context, the word CARE means 
A) concern. 
B) obedience. 
C) control. 
D) heroism. 
E) power. 
In the context, the word CARE means (‘En el contexto, la palabra preocupación significa) 
A. concern (‘preocupación’) 
B. obedience (‘obediencia’) 
C. control (‘control’) 
D. heroism (‘heroismo’) 
E. power (‘poder’) 
Rpta. : "A"
According to the text, which of the following sentences is false? 
A) The reigned of Queen Elizabeth was highly terrific. 
B) Great figures of the world ruled by the 16th century. 
C) Queen Elizabeth had a very strong temper and ideas. 
D) The last of the Tudors of England was Queen Elizabeth. 
E) Queen Elizabeth led her reign in misery and failure. 
According to the text, which of the following sentences is false? (Según el texto, ¿cuál de las siguientes frases es falsa?) 
A. Verdadero The reigned of Queen Elizabeth was highly terrific (El reinado de la reina Isabel fue tremendamente fantástico) 
B. Verdadero Great figures of the world ruled by the 16th century (Grandes figuras del mundo gobernado por el siglo XVI) 
C. Verdadero Queen Elizabeth had a very strong temper and ideas (La reina Isabel tenía un carácter y unas ideas muy fuertes) 
D. Verdadero The last of the Tudors of England was Queen Elizabeth (El último de los Tudor de Inglaterra fue la reina Isabel) E. Falso Queen Elizabeth led her reign in misery and failure (La reina Isabel lideró su reinado en la miseria y el fracaso) 
Rpta. : "E"
It can be inferred from the text that 
A) in the 15th century, England had one of the greatest Queen of all the times. 
B) Queen Elizabeth’s success was because of her plenty dedication for England. 
C) in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, arts and literature didn’t have special value. 
D) Queen Elizabeth hesitated to take cruel actions against her own family. 
E) the lack of confidence and self-esteem was a problem for Queen Elizabeth. 
It can be inferred from the text that (Del texto se puede inferir que) Queen Elizabeth’s success was because of her plenty dedication for England (el éxito de la reina Isabel se debió a su gran dedicación por Inglaterra). En el texto se menciona: “There will never be a queen”, she once told Parliament, “sit in my seat with more zeal to my country and care to my subjects. And though you have had and may have princes more mighty, and wise sitting in this seal, yet you never had of shall have any that will be more careful and loving” (“Nunca habrá una reina”, dijo una vez al Parlamento, “que se siente en mi asiento con más celo por mi país y preocupación por mis súbditos. Y aunque habéis tenido y podéis tener príncipes más poderosos y sabios sentados en este sello, sin embargo, nunca tuvisteis quien tendréis que sea más cuidadoso y amoroso”). 
Rpta. : "B"
Which of the following sentences would the author more likely agree with? 
A) In a government, it’s necessary to have a leader who can be vain and capricious as Queen Elizabeth. 
B) Every country needs a queen as Elizabeth who was adventurous, arrogant and artistically brilliant. 
C) Mary Queen of Scots shouldn’t be killed by her sister Queen Elizabeth, despite their discrepancies. 
D) Queen Elizabeth liked more arts than politics, therefore, she stayed in the reign for a long time. 
E) A responsible person with courage and a proper education in all the fields could govern wisely. 
Which of the following sentences would the author more likely agree with? (¿Con cuál de las siguientes oraciones estaría más de acuerdo el autor?) A responsible person with courage and a proper education in all the fields could govern wisely (Una persona responsable, con coraje y educación adecuada en todos los campos podría gobernar sabiamente). En el texto se menciona: Elizabeth was an intelligent, well-educated woman whose court became the center of England’s cultural life as it had never been before and has never been since (Isabel era una mujer inteligente y bien educada cuya corte se convirtió en el centro de la vida cultural de Inglaterra como nunca lo había sido antes ni lo ha sido desde entonces). 
Rpta. : "E"
Peter Smith and his wife, Laura, who is peruvian, both work at the Paddington Hotel in London’s downtown. Peter is a receptionist and Laura works in the hotel bar. 
Peter says: “More than ten million people visit London every year. In our hotel we have fifty rooms, of different kinds, and we have visitors from all over the world, especially from America and Japan. I speak English, German, French and Spanish. I don’t speak Japanese but I want to learn it. Laura speaks English and French, and Spanish of course. Some guests ask her about Peru and say that it will be their next destination.

 “Our visitors like doing many things. On a typical day they have breakfast in the hotel restaurant, an English breakfast of eggs, bacon, tea and toast. After breakfast they visit the Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace and go shopping in Harrods store. They come back at the hotel at four o’clock and have tea and relax. Then in the evening they sometimes go to the theatre. 

“We work long hours. I work from six o’clock in the moming till three in the afternoon, and Laura works from six in the evening till one in the morning, but we love our work. We like meeting people of all nationalities”.
 Adapted from University of Cambridge (2006). 
Headway elementary Workbook 
Which of the following sentences summarizes the text best? 
A) Peter and Laura Smith complain about their jobs 
B) What hotel guests do when they visit London 
C) The kind of job the Smiths do in a hotel in London 
D) Languages than Peter and Laura speak at the hotel 
La lectura se basa en el trabajo que una pareja de esposos, los Smith, cumplen en un hotel. En otras palabras, se refiere al tipo de trabajo que hacen. 
Rpta. : "C"
Determine the false sentence according the text. 
A) There is breakfast for the hotel guests. 
B) Peter and his wife hate their jobs. 
C) Peter and Laura enjoy meeting new people. 
D) Guests visit tourist places in the morning. 
Determine the false sentence according the text. (Determine la oración falsa de acuerdo al texto) A partir de las alternativas dadas, la oración Peter and his wife hate their jobs (Peter y su esposa odian sus trabajos). De acuerdo al texto, esta sería la oración falsa, ya que al final del mismo se menciona “We love our work”. (Nosotros amamos nuestro trabajo). 
Rpta. : "B"
In text, the word TYPICAL means 
A) traditional. 
B) popular. 
C) exceptional 
D) habitual. 
En este contexto, la palabra TYPICAL se refiere a una actividad rutinaria (routine). 
Rpta. : "D"
 If guests at the hotel were only from England, 
A) they would not like to visit the different London attractions. 
B) the hotel would have less rooms and more facilities to them. 
C) Peter and Laura would not need to know many languages. 
D) Peter and Laura would have more time to enjoy and relax. 
If guest at the hotel were only from England (Si los huéspedes del hotel fueron solamente de Inglaterra). De las opciones dadas, la oración que mejor completa el enunciado es Peter and Laura would not need to know many languages (Peter y Laura no necesitarían saber muchos idiomas). En el texto, se menciona que el hotel recibe visitantes de todas partes del mundo, especialmente de Estados Unidos y Japón, por ese motivo es que Peter habla inglés, alemán, francés y español; y su esposa habla inglés, francés y español. 
Rpta. : "C"
Following the reading, we can say that 
A) London’s visitors will visit Peru soon. 
B) Peter and Laura are hardworking people. 
C) hotel guests are all very typical people. 
D) Laura invites hotel guests to visit Peru. 
Following the reading, we can say that (continuando En el último párrafo del texto se menciona que trabajan por varias horas (We work long hours). 
Rpta. : "B"

Ejercicios resueltos de examen de admisión a la Universidad